Ricerca ProgettiMECOThe ProjectMethodology and activitiesSocio-economy
Task 3 - Socio-economic work package
To monitor and assess socio-economic activities, with specific reference to tourism, on a sample of beaches in order to provide information to enable the correlation of activity and management practices with biological activity and diversity.
Research Phases
Phase 1
- Review literature;
- Clarify spatial & temporal frameworks at sites;
- Finalise research design and methodologies.
Phase 2
- Carry out audits to establish baseline data on:
- Economic and developmental characteristics and activity;
- Socio-cultural characteristics, and values of coastal area;
- Human use of coastal resources and management;
- Tourism activity and management;
- Familiarisation with wider coastal area.
Phase 3
- Carry out stakeholder analysis;
- Identify resource use conflicts and environmental impacts;
- Identify constraints on, and potentials for, development;
- Carry out market assessment for tourism development;
- Consider need for comparative research.
Phase 4
- Identify strategies for sustainable development
- Produce range of indicators