Attuazione misure PNRR



PRIN 2022 

Bando PRIN 2022 del MUR (D.D. n. 104 del 2/2/2022), nell’ambito del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza, Missione 4 “Istruzione e Ricerca”, componente C2 “Dalla ricerca all’impresa” – Investimento 1.1 “Fondo per il Programma Nazionale di Ricerca e Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)” - NextGenerationEU

2022LJN3LE Impacts of pesticides and biopesticides on health and complex behaviours of solitary and social bees 05/10/2023-05/10/2025 Principal Investigator e Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Baracchi David
82.386 €
2022XJ29R7 Multifaceted Approach to the Study of Neuropathy-causing mutations of Actin (MAS-NeurActin) 28/09/2023-28/09/2025 Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Bianco Pasquale
63.688 €
2022Y8BSAL iTAGC: iTalian ArchaeoGenomiCs in the peninsula’s “heart” 05/10/2023-05/10/2025 Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Caramelli David
102.875 €
2022A4XZA2 The structural and functional role of minispryn in striated muscle 05/10/2023-05/10/2025 Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Caremani Marco
77.900 €
20225SXSHY ECOSaW: Dissecting Eco-Evolutionary feedbacks between Saccharomyces spp and social Wasps 05/10/2023-05/10/2025 Principal Investigator e Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Cavalieri Duccio
110.657 €
2022BXRY95 Global warming now and then: the speed and load factors affecting the success or failure of a range expansion 05/10/2023-05/10/2025 Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Ciofi Claudio
97.220 €
2022LF3SZE The dark side of MIcro- and NAanoplastics in the soil: impact on CROP physiology and pathogen resistance (MINACROP) 05/10/2023-05/10/2025 Principal Investigator e Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Colzi Ilaria
86.580 €
2022Z88RK4 Microbiome Assembly: A multilevel approach to understand and predict the establishment and variation of host-associated microbiomes 05/10/2023-05/10/2025 Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Fondi Marco
53.400 €
2022H3F992 Investigating the transition from hunter-gathering to farming in Southern Italy through metagenomic and population genetic analysis of ancient human dental calculus 05/10/2023-05/10/2025 Principal Investigator e Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Lari Martina
117.000 €
20225WER57 Exploiting tailored plant genotype x microbiome interaction toward sustainable increase of rice productivity and resilience to climate change 12/10/2023-12/10/2025 Principal Investigator e Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Mengoni Alessio
34.579 €
20223L2C9N The Role of Cardiac Extracellular matrix - Cell interaction in the onset of dystrophic cardiomyopathies (MALADAPT) 28/09/2023-28/09/2025 Principal Investigator e Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Pioner Josè Manuel
115.500 €
2022KJB743 The Early-Middle Pleistocene Transition in intertropical Africa: insights from Olduvai Gorge 28/09/2023-28/09/2025 Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Riga Alessandro
60.435 €
2022KCTEE7 CarNet-PAR - Carnivore networks and transmission of parasites in an ever-changing world: modelling infections of parasites transmitted through predator-prey interactions in networks of terrestrial mammals 05/10/2023-05/10/2025 Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Rovero Francesco
15.150 €
2022M4798K Surface-subsurface flow modeling of leveed river systems affected by mammal bioerosion (Short title: Rivers Affected by Mammal Bioerosion. Acronym: RAMB.) 28/09/2023-28/09/2025 Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Santini Giacomo
63.488 €
2022RYTHE3 URbEVOLUTION Adaptation and Evolution of plants in the urban jungle 05/10/2023-05/10/2025 Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Stefano Giovanni
84.000 €
20223EETLW PL-ASTICI - Phenotypic plasticity in a rapidly changing world: an ontogenetic perspective for improving aquaculture and conservation practices of the European lobster 05/10/2023-05/10/2025 Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Tricarico Elena
28.000 €
2022FCAAA4 Prioritisation of coastal areas for plant diversity conservation through a multidisciplinary approach 05/10/2023-05/10/2025 Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Viciani Daniele
82.020 €


Bando PRIN PNRR 2022 del MUR (D.D. n. 1409 del 14/09/2022), nell’ambito del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza, Missione 4 “Istruzione e Ricerca”, componente C2 “Dalla ricerca all’impresa” – Investimento 1.1 “Fondo per il Programma Nazionale di Ricerca e Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)” - NextGenerationEU

P2022LJMCC The Biology of Conservation: successful translocations with the threatened lichen Lobaria pulmonaria 30/11/2023-30/11/2025 Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Benesperi Renato
21.120 €
P202228HCJ Multiple genetic approach to identify italian rocket resilient to climate change 30/11/2023-30/11/2025 Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Colzi Ilaria
32.250 €
P2022AB5TY EXPLORE - EXploiting pathogens PLOidy to fight drug REsistance: towards a precision medicine approach 30/11/2023-30/11/2025 Principal Investigator e Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Fondi Marco
92.984 €
P20222E4CY Rock around the clock: how biological invasions alter circadian clocks of native species 30/11/2023-30/11/2025 Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Fratini Sara
118.417 €
P20228JYWN Impact of land use change on climate resilience of semi-natural grasslands (CAROLINA) 30/11/2023-30/11/2025 Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Lazzaro Lorenzo
105.484 €
P2022XPT32 Regulation of striated muscle: a research bridging single molecule to organ 30/11/2023-30/11/2025 Principal Investigator e Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Linari Marco
119.698 €
P20227MJY3 RICE association with beneficial microBIOTA-RICEBIOTA 30/11/2023-30/11/2025 Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Perrin Elena
67.000 €
P20222SWYY Scientific investigation, virtual reconstruction and musealization of Oreopithecus bambolii: locomotor and manipulative adaptations before human evolution 30/11/2023-30/11/2025 Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Riga Alessandro
76.150 €
P2022PWENM Know and Eat: sharing scientific knowledge to build up responsible and aware consumers of tomorrow (K-EAT) 30/11/2023-30/11/2025 Principal Investigator e Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Tricarico Elena
123.149 €
P20228M8ZN The origin of social inequalities in Italy: clues from ancient genomes 30/11/2023-30/11/2025 Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Vai Stefania
150.939 €
P2022HLLEJ ACCLIMATE - Acclimation to Climate Change of Lichens in Mountain Alpine Terricolous Environments 30/11/2023-30/11/2025 Responsabile Unità UNIFI
Viciani Daniele
50.364 €


Avviso pubblico n. 247 del 19 agosto 2022 - Young Researchers, Linea 2: Vincitori di bandi Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships e Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships, nell’ambito del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza, Missione 4 “Istruzione e Ricerca” - Componente 2 “Dalla Ricerca all'Impresa” - Investimento 1.2 del PNRR “Finanziamento di progetti presentati da giovani ricercatori” - – NextGenerationEU

MSCA_0000035 Dental anthropology at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition – insights on lifestyle and funerary behaviour from Neolithic Liguria (Italy) 20/12/2022- 19/12/2025 Irene Dori 294.857 €

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