Ricerca ProgettiMECOThe ProjectMethodology and activitiesGeographyGeomorphology
Task 1 - Geography: Geomorphology
- To characterise each study sites for geomorphology and sedimentology
- To contribute to the identification of management constraints
Work content – general
- To study soil, hydrographic and hydrodynamic parameters
- To study sediments and their dynamics (erosion, flattering)
- To identify different land forms and their position within the landscape
- To identification detail models associated to land forms
- To understand genesis and dynamics of such models and acting factors
- To reconstruct palaeo environments, particularly their recent, holocenic and historical, evolution
- To define trends of landform evolution which led to the present situation and will presumably continue in the future
Work content – specific for the Tunisian study sites
As the study sites are limited in space, the geomorphological approach will consider a wider context aiming at understanding them better. At Zoaurâa-Nefza, surrounding mountains and valleys will also be considered; at Kneiss, the continent coast.
The beach sector of Zoaurâa-Nefza is an example of aeolian coast, and its geomorphological characterisation will take include:
- The identification of different types of dunes
- The conditions of their formation and the links with the beach at one side, and with the mountains at the other.
- The study of their sedimentary nature
- The identification of different generations of dunes and their characteristics. The region is rich in archaeological and historical rests, which permit a relative datation. Radiometry would improve precision.
- Detailed morphological cartography
The Kneiss Islands are an example of insular environment with very low topography, occupied by schorre landscape and surrounded by a wide platform, crossed by tidal canals, representing a peculiar and unique case in the Mediterranean.
The geomorphological approach at this site will include:
- Detailed description and cartography of different models and micro-models, with emphasis on relations between sediment characteristics and vegetation, particularly at the schorre surface, which is cut across by a net of canals and cavities, and covered by halophilic vegetation.
- Reconstruction of recent evolution and scenarios of future evolution. Datation can be based on archaeological rests, but telemetry would add precision. From Holocene the Islands are subject to active subsidence, to erosion and submersion. It represents a case study to estimate recent increasing of sea level.