
2019 ~ 2017 ~ 2016 ~ 2015 ~ 2010 ~ 2009 ~ 2008 ~ 2007 ~ 2006
~·~ 2019 ~·~

Scapini F., Bessa F., Gambineri S., Bozzeda F. 2019. Talitrid (Crustacea, Amphipoda) orientation as across scale bioindicator of sandy beaches environmental conditions: A meta-analytic approach. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 220: 25-37.



~·~ 2017 ~·~

Oueslati A. (2017). Urbanisation, aménagements touristiques et érosion des plages dans la berge sud de la Méditerranée: exemples au Maroc, en Tunisie et en Egypt [Urbanization, tourism and beach erosion on the south bank of the Mediterranean: examples from Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt]. Actes du 3ème Colloque: Espace d'action, espace en action. La Méditerranée à l'invite de la géographie, Université de Sousse, Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines de Sousse, Département de Géographie, 51-94. Article



~·~ 2016 ~·~

El Abdellaoui M., Boulifa A. and Chikhi N. (2016). Eau et société dans le Rif Occidental Marocain. Cas des bassins versants d'oued Laou et Tahaddart (contribution à un débat géo-social). Publications de la Faculté des lettres et de Sciences Humaines, Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi, Tétouan, Maroc, 230 p.



~·~ 2015 ~·~

Oueslati A., El Aroui O. and Sahtout N. (2015). Sur la grande vulnérabilité du lido du complexe lagunaire de Ghar El Melh et de ses terres humides (Tunisie septentrionale) - Érosion, risque de maritimisation et menaces sur le terroir original Ramli. Vulnerability of the barrier island and wetlands of the Ghar El Melh lagoon (Northern Tunisia): erosion hazards, increasing risk of marine ingression and threats on the Ramli culture. Méditerranée, 125: 65-73. Article



~·~ 2010 ~·~

Belda A., Martínez Perez J.E., Martín C., Peiró V. and Seva E. (2010). Plants used to capture and sustain wild finches (Fringillidae) in Southeast Spain. Economic Botany, 64(4): 367-373.

Martín Cantarino C. (2010). Carrizales, donde la historia es ecología. Agricoltura Medioambiental, 1.

Martín Cantarino C. (2010). El Hondo como cumbre del sistema hídrico cultural del Segura-Bajo Vinalopó. Una visión desde su historia ambiental. Published in: Belenguer R., Echevarrias J.L. & Lopez-Iborra G., Eds. Acta de las I Jornadas cientificas sobre el Parque Natural El Hondo: 5-15.

Cassar L.F. (2010). A Landscape Approach to Conservation: Integrating Ecological Sciences & Participatory methods. International Environment Institute, University of Malta, Msida, Malta, 210 p.

Fahd S., Bertelli L., Raihani Y., Fanini L. and Oumoussa A. (2010). Aventure au Royame des Amphibiens et des reptiles. WADI 6FP, INCO-CT2005-015226, 60 p.

Martínez García R. (2010). Sénies i molins. Algunes reflexions sobre el projecte WADI i el patrimoni. La Rella, 23: 139-153.

Martínez Perez J.E. (2010). Implicaciones ambientales de los cambios de uso en el entorno del parque natural de El Hondo (Projecto WADI). Published in: Belenguer R., Echevarrias J.L. & Lopez-Iborra G., Eds. Acta de las I Jornadas cientificas sobre el Parque Natural El Hondo: 16-19.

Scapini F. and Ciampi G., Eds. (2010). Coastal Water Bodies - Nature and Culture Conflicts in the Mediterranean. Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, 167 p.

Zaiem R. (2010). Morphodynamique récente et évolution des paysages autour des barrages et lacs collinaires du versant méridional de Jbel Kechabta (Tunisie nord-orientale). PhD Thesis. Université de Tunis.




~·~ 2009 ~·~

Bennas N., Sánchez-Fernández D., Abellán P. and Millán A. (2009). Analysis of the vulnerability of the aquatic beetles in the South Mediterranean side: the case of the Rif region (Morocco). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 45(3): 309-320.

Bruni E. (2009). Uno studio antropologico del Parco Nazionale di Talassemtane - Marocco. Tesi di laurea in Scienze Etnoantropologiche, Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, Università di Firenze, 230 p.

Chelazzi L., Colombini I. and Fallaci M. (2009). Le zone umide della pianura grossetana. Pubblicazione a cura della Pro Loco Alborensis, Alberese, Grosseto: 52 p.

Fanini L., ElGtari M., Fahd S. and Scapini F. (2009). Local approach to the environmental education: lesson from two Mediterranean experiences. Proceedings of the Meeting of the Italian Society of Ecology, Bolzano: 271-278.

Fanini L. and Fahd S. (2009). Storytelling and environmental information: connecting schoolchildren and herpetofauna in Morocco. Integrative Zoology, 4: 188-195.

Fanini L., Marchetti G.M., Scapini F. and Defeo O. (2009). Effects of beach nourishment and groynes building on population and community descriptors of mobile arthropodofauna. Ecological Indicators, 9: 167-178.

Gonçalves S.C., Anastácio P.M., Pardal M.A., Cardoso P.G., Ferreira S.M. and Marques J.C. (2009). Sandy beach macrofaunal communities on the western coast of Portugal - Is there a steady structure under similar exposed conditions? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 81: 555-568.

Martín Cantarino C. (2009). Cultivos o saladar? La Matruca. Publicación de la asociación de amigos de los humedales del sur de Alicante, 19: 22-33.

Martín Cantarino C. and Limorte Ruiz J. (2009). San Isidro, lugar que descubrir. Paraje clave en el entorno del Parque Natural de El Hondo. Revista San Isidro.

Patrício J., Neto J.M., Teixeira H., Salas F. and Marques J.C. (2009). The robustness of ecological indicators to detect long-term changes in the macrobenthos of estuarine systems. Marine Environmental Research, 68: 25-36.

Pinto R., Patrício J., Baeta A., Fath B.D., Neto J.M. and Marques J.C. (2009). Review and evaluation of estuarine biotic indices to assess benthic condition. Ecological Indicators, 9: 1-25.

Scapini F., Boffa J.-M., Cassar L.F., Conrad E. and Nardi M., Eds. (2009). Sustainable management of Mediterranean coastal fresh and transitional water bodies: a socio-economic and environmental analysis of changes and trends to enhance and sustain stakeholder benefits. Firenze University Press, 380 p. (

Zakhama-Sraieb R., Sghaïer Y.R. and Charfi-Cheikhrouha F. (2009). On the occurence of Bursatella leachii De Blainville, 1817 and Pinctada radiata (Leach, 1814) in the Ghar El Melh lagoon (N E Tunisia). Aquatic Invasion, 4(2): 315-317.




~·~ 2008 ~·~

Achouri M.S. and Charfi-Cheikhrouha F. (2008). Phenetic analysis of populations of Porcellionides pruinosus (Brandt, 1833) (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea). C.R. Biologie, 331: 226-238.

Achouri M.S., Hamaied S. and Charfi-Cheikhrouha F. (2008). The Diversity of Terrestrial Isopoda in the Berkoukech area, Kroumirie, Tunisia. Crustaceana, 81(8): 917-929.

Ajbilou R., Marañón T., Arroyo J. and Ater M. (2008). Structure et diversité des subéraies du nord-ouest du Maroc. Annales de la Recherche Forestière du Maroc, 39: 36-49.

Ayari A., Bohli D., Morgan E. and Nasri-Ammar K.  (2008). Effet de l'obscurité continue sur le rythme locomoteur de Talitrus saltator (Crustacé, Amphipode) issu de deux populations tunisiennes. Rythmes, 39(1): 6-11.

Ayari A. and Nasri-Ammar K. (2008). Étude expérimentale comparative du rythme locomoteur de deux amphipodes supra-littoraux sympatriques de la plage de Bizerte (Tunisie): Talitrus saltator et Talorchestia deshayesii. Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France, 133(1-3): 159-167.

Bayed A. and Ater M., eds. (2008). Du bassin versant vers la mer: une analyse multidisciplinaire pour une gestion durable. Cas du bassin méditerranéen de Oued Laou. Travaux de l'Institut Scientifique, Rabat, série générale n° 5, 122 p. (

Belda Antolí A., Martínez Pérez J.E., Martín Cantarino C., López Pomares A. and Seva Román E. (2008). Ictiofauna y pesca tradicional asociada a los canales de riego en el Bajo Vinalopó: integración del conocimiento local y académico para la comprensión de los ecosistemas mediterráneos. Mediterranea - Serie de estudio biológicos, Época II, 19: 9-80.

Bennas N., Abellán P., Sánchez-Fernández D. and Millán A. (2008). Ochthebius (Ochthebius) lanarotis Ferro, 1985 (Coleoptera, Hydraenidae), un coléoptére endémique marocain spécifique des milieux aquatiques hypersalines. Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa, 43: 361-366.

Chaouti A., Colombini I., Fallaci M., Gagnarli E., Chelazzi L. and Bayed A. (2008). Structure and distribution of the benthic macrofauna on a Northwest African sandy beach close to a freshwater river discharge. Marine Ecology, 29(1): 99–107.

Ciampi G. (2008). Landscapes in the Ombrone River low catchment area (Grosseto, Italy): Essay of positivistic Geography. XIII Convegno Nazionale Interdisciplinare "Unicità, Uniformità e Universalità nella identificazione del mosaico paesistico-culturale". Aquileia 18 - 19 settembre 2008.

Fanini L. (2008). Interdisciplinarietà e collaborazioni a disposizione dei bambini della valle del wadi Laou, Marocco. - Cosa c'è dietro una storia a fumetti... ECO, 5: 36-37.

Fanini L. and Scapini F. (2008). Ricerca partecipata in Egitto, Marocco e Spagna: il contributo dei saperi delle comunità beneficiarie. SILIS, annali di civiltà dell'acqua, 4-5: 137-142.

Gambineri S. (2008). Orientamento rispetto a stimoli visivi di talitridi di coste mediterranee e atlantiche. PhD Thesis. Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italia.

Gambineri S. and Scapini F. (2008). Importance of orientation to the sun and local landscape features in young inexpert Talitrus saltator (Amphipoda: Talitridae) from two Italian beaches differing in morphodynamics, erosion or stability. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 77: 357-368.

Hmimsa Y. and Ater M. (2008). Agrodiversity in the traditional agrosystems of the Rif mountains (north of Morocco). Biodiversity, 9(1 & 2): 78-81.

Mateo M.A.,  Serrano O., Serrano L. and Michener R.H. (2008). Effects of sample preparation on stable isotope ratios of C and N in marine invertebrates: implications for food web studies using stable isotopes. Oecologia, 157: 105-115.

Rossano C., Morgan E. and Scapini F. (2008). Variation of the locomotor activity rhythms in three species of talitrid amphipods, Talitrus saltator, Orchestia montagui, and O. gammarellus, from various habitats. Chronobiology International, 25(4): 511-532.

Salas F., Teixeira H., Marcos C., Marques J.C. and Pérez-Ruzafa A. (2008). Applicability of the trophic index TRIX in two transitional ecosystems: the Mar Menor lagoon (Spain) and the Mondego estuary (Portugal). ICES Journal of marine Science, 65: 1442-1448.

Scapini F. (2008). Aree costiere del Mediterraneo a rischio tra conservazione e sviluppo Il progetto euro-mediterraneo WADI: uno sforzo d’integrazione. Culture della sostenibilità, 3: 117-126.

Scapini F. (2008). Beaches as ecosystems - Relationship between their socioeconomic and ecological value. CIESM Workshop Monographs, 37: 81-85.

Teixeira H., Salas F., Borja Á., Neto J.M. and Marques J.C. (2008). A benthic perspective in assessing the ecological status of estuaries: the case of the Mondego estuary (Portugal). Ecological Indicators, 8: 404-416.

Teixeira H., Salas F., Neto J.M., Patrício J., Pinto R., Veríssimo H., García-Charton J.A., Marcos C., Pérez-Ruzafa A. and Marques J.C. (2008). Ecological indices tracking distinct impacts along disturbance-recovery gradients in a temperate NE Atlantic Estuary - Guidance on reference values. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 80: 130-140.

Zakhama-Sraieb R., Sghaïer Y.R. and Charfi-Cheikhrouha F. (2008). Les Caprelles (Crustacea: Amphipoda) des côtes tunisiennes. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France, 133(1-3): 149-157.




~·~ 2007 ~·~

Ayari A. and Nasri-Ammar K.  (2007).Variation saissonnière du rythme locomoteur de Talorchestia deshayesii , issu de la plage de Bizerte (Tunisie). Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 38.

Ben Afia Hatira H., Charfi-Cheikhrouha F. and Bouchon D. (2007). Wolbachia in terrestrial isopods in Tunisia. Proceedings of the International Symposium of Terrestrial Isopod Biology - III. Ecology & Physiology: 116-123.

Bennas  N. and Sainz-Cantero C.E.  (2007). Nouvelles données sur les Coléoptères aquatiques du Maroc: les Elmidae Curtis, 1830 et les Dryopidae Billberg, 1820 du Rif (Coleoptera). Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.), 24(1): 61-79.

Bouslama A., Neto J. M., Charfi-Cheikhrouha F. and Marques J.C. (2007). Biology, population dynamics and secondary production of Talitrus saltator (Amphipoda, Talitridae) at Korba beach (east coast of Tunisia). Crustaceana, 80(9): 1103-1119.

Candela i Quesada J., Martín Cantarino C., Navarro i Garcia M.J., Girona Rodríguez J.F. and Amat Ruíz Á. (2007). L’educació ambiental com stakeholder en espais protegits. Análisi de potencialitats i deficiéncies al Parc Natural del Fondo dins del projecte WADI. La Rella, 20: 75-88.

Fanini L. (2007). Educazione ambientale sulla spiaggia di Zouaraa, Tunisia. - I ricercatori tornano alle elementari. ECO, 8: 32-33.

Hamaied S. and Charfi-Cheikhrouha F. (2007). Description d'une nouvelle espèce du genre Armadillidium (Isopoda, Oniscidea) de Tunisie. Crustaceana, 80(5): 523-532.

Martín Cantarino C. (2007). El Crevillent de més avall de la via. Crevillente, Semana Santa 2007: 262-269.

Martín Cantarino C. (2007). Investigacions ecològiques en els medis dunars i humedals ilicitans dins dels projectes MEDCORE i WADI de la Comunitat Europea (I). Clot de Galvany, 10: 7.

Martín Cantarino C. and Candela i Quesada J. (2007). Reflexions sobre el centenari de Nuevos Riegos El Progreso (1906-2006). La Rella, 20: 167-182.

Salhi A., Stitou El Messari J., Mahboul A., Himi M., Casas A., Pulido-Bosch A., Cerón J.C. and Draoui M. (2007). Aplicación del método DRASTIC para evaluar la vulnerabilidad a la contaminación del acuífero de Oued Laou (Marruecos). Assessment of the vulnerability to contamination of the Oued Laou aquifer (Morocco) using DRASTIC method. Geogaceta, 41: 191-194.

Scapini F. and Nardi M., Eds. (2007). Il Parco Regionale della Maremma e il suo territorio. PACINIeditore, Pisa, 256 p.

Sghaïer Y.R., Zakhama-Sraieb R. and Charfi-Cheikhrouha F. (2007). Etude lépidochronologique de quelques herbiers de Posidonia oceanica des côtes tunisiennes. Proceedings of the 3rd Mediterranean Symposium on Marine Vegetation, Marseille: 172-178.




~·~ 2006 ~·~

Chaouti A. and Bayed A. (2006). First record of Alkmaria romijni Horst, 1919 (Polychaeta: Ampharetidae) from the Mediterranean coast (Smir Lagoon, Morocco). Marine Life, 16: 15-19.

Fanini L. (2006). Effetti ambientali sull'orientamento di Talitrus saltator. Quattro casi di studio relativi a diversi tipi di impatto antropico sulle spiagge sabbiose. PhD Thesis. Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italia.

Martín Cantarino C. (2006). Escenaris de future per al Fondo i el seu entorn. Presentació del projete WADI. La Rella, 19: 327-340.

Nasri-Ammar K. and Morgan E. (2006). Seasonality of the endogenous activity rhythm in Talitrus saltator (Montagu) from a sandy beach in north-eastern Tunisia. Biological rhythm Research, 37(6): 479-488.

Sghaïer Y.R., Zakhama-Sraieb R. and Charfi-Cheikhrouha F. (2006). Features of Posidonia oceanica meadows along the eastern coast of Tunisia. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 13(4): 85-91.

Zakhama-Sraieb R., Sghaïer Y.R. and Charfi-Cheikhrouha F. (2006). Is amphipod diversity related to the quality of Posidonia oceanica beds? Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 13(4): 174-180.



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