Workpackage 5





Prof. Felicita Scapini

University of Florence, Italy  (Partner 1)



To disseminate the project outputs to the public, at local, national and international levels To provide a wider geopolitical dimension to the project results



The work was conducted throughout the project using the outputs from the other workpackages, and several levels of dissemination were considered.

The project meetings served as dissemination events to stakeholders as well as interested public, and were held at the study sites in each participant country. A special session of each meeting was dedicated to public dissemination. 

This web page itself, continuously updated, with the project presentation, the description of the approach adopted, of the techniques, syntheses of the results obtained throughout the project, has been a key instrument to disseminate information obtained in the project. Eventual feed-back by the EC, key stakeholders of the study sites and interested public has been taken into account in the implementation of this web page.

The approach adopted by the project, and the techniques used and developed were shown to the interested stakeholders during the technical meetings at sites. Short courses at site, electronic demonstrations, posters as well as simulations of experiments were used to this aim.

Education material, with the collaboration of local schoolteachers and cultural centres, was prepared. Special attention was given in this task to the existing cultural differences and the novelty of the message to communicate.

A synthesis of the rationale of sustainable water management and use together with the relevant interim results from the project were presented through posters and booklets with illustrations. Traditional management of water and the Mediterranean cultural and natural heritage were highlighted. Brief guides stressing the value of the local cultural heritage, flora and fauna worth of conservation, were prepared for the study sites.

A manual was prepared at the end of the project with the conclusive results of all researches carried out. In this way, the project outputs and results have been made visible to a large public of interested persons in a booklet, written in user friendly language, with photographs of the case-study sites and synthetic illustrations. The manual has been both printed and diffused as a CD.



Year one interim report (end of 2006) and year two interim report (end of 2007)

A manual for the management of water bodies in semi-arid Mediterranean coastal areas (end of 2008)

Final project report to the EC (end of 2008)

Brochures and education booklets, when needed for local dissemination

Website continuously updated throughout the project


Milestones and expected results

The project meetings

Enhance of public awareness on water use and management



See the detailed description of the other workpackages:

  1. workpackage 1

  2. workpackage 2

  3. workpackage 3

  4. workpackage 4

  5. workpackage 5


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