Yeast2023-31 st International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology-ICYGMB31

2O-25 August 2O23 - Florence, Italy 

Yeast2023-31 st International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology-ICYGMB31

Date: 2O-25 August 2O23 -
Where: Florence, Italy -Innovation Center (IC Auditorium) by Fondazione CR Firenze -
Lungarno Soderini 21 - 50124 Florence 
Registration: Deadline 5th of June
Abstract submisson: until 17th of July
Plenary Sessions
- Yeast evolutionary genomics
- Systems level reconstruction of cell-cell interactions
- Yeast commensalism and  pathogenesis
- Synthetic and Systems Biology
- Biotechnology
- Classical yeast genetics and  molecular biology
- Yeast as a model to study  human diseases
- Yeast cells and organelles  as cell factories
Satellite Workshops
 - Yeast Ecology and Fermentations:  the intimate relationship of  S. cerevisiae and fermented foods
 - Yeast probiotics, trained immunity  and the fungal microbiome.
International Scientific Committee
Andri Sibirny
Jens Nielsen
Terrance Cooper
Steve Oliver
Diethard Mattanovich
the Finance and Policy 
Committee (FINPOL)
Meeting chair: Duccio Cavalieri
Per saperne di più:

24 Luglio 2023 (Archiviata)



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