Francesca Gherardi Memorial Prize 2018


The 2018 Prize Winner for the research in the field of Crustacean Behaviour is Dr VALERIO SBRAGAGLIA, Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, STS Livorno, Livorno, Italy.

The Award Committee was headed by Prof. Felicita Scapini, assisted by Prof.  Bella S. Galil, Prof. Marco Vannini, Prof.  Alberto Ugolini and the zoologists of the Department of Biology, University of Florence.

Dr Valerio Sbragaglia received the award at the Department of Biology, University of Florence, on occasion of the memorial event in honour of Dr Francesca Gherardi, on 10th May 2018, with the participation of Francesca Gherardi's family.

In this occasion, he presented his research:

"What time is it? Circadian clocks in crustaceans"

( abstract | presentation )


Prof. Anna Occhipinti, University of Pavia, presented a memory of Francesca as a researcher (in italian).

The 2018 Memorial Event

(photos by Saulo Bambi)

Prof. David Caramelli, the Director of the Dept. of Biology, and Prof. Felicita Scapini, the coordinator of the award committee, introduce the event
Dr Sbragaglia presents his research
Dr Sbragaglia receives the prize
Dr Sbragaglia receives the prize
Prof. Anna Occhipinti during her talk

Awarded prizes: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 20192020, 2021

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